
February 23, 2010, started out pretty good. I was getting ready for my day- Dan & I were going to install the new iron balusters in the staircase of the new house (flip #6). Craig was in Arizona for a couple days serving on the GE board. I gave Ty a hug for the day and he headed out for Century Junior college. Not even 15 minutes later Ty called me on my cell phone. I thought it was strange- Ty? It was silent, and he said Ma- I’m covered in snow. I felt nothing but sheer panic. It was snowing – he lost control on a big corner and rolled his car 3 times. He missed the guard rail by a mere few feet. After a big hug I gave him my jacket and I ran through the field collecting 3 sets of tennis shoes- books etc. I saw one particular item in the snow -I picked it up with tears in my eyes and knew that this child was protected. It was a vinyl sticker that Ty had made- it was representative of the Bible verse Romans 1:16 from one of his favorite Christian rap groups. It was on his back windshield which was no longer there. I put it in one of his shoes and decided to give it to him later.

This was proof positive that God saved my Son. Telling him that his beloved car was totaled was pretty hard. I often wondered if this was a way of God getting rid of a car that at that time was in question to save Ty from something so much worse?! I was thankful. He actually still went to school that day- he had two tests that he could not miss. Talk about getting back on the horse again! I tried to collect myself. I was so shaken and Craig was out of town. I went back to the house to put my face back on…as I was doing this Dan called- “you need to get to the new house NOW” …wow- not the usual from Dan. He said the well truck had just took out our 3 car garage- SERIOUSLY?!!!

I have got to say- I went from so shook up to giddy. The well had gone out the day before and the well company slid on the driveway and took out the center support. That was unfortunate for the nice guys in the truck- the 35 year old garage just got moved up on the list on our road to renovation : )

At this point I figured it would be more fun to just send the picture to Craig while he was in his meetings.

He called immediately- WHAT IS GOING ON THERE??? It was still mid-morning lol! Two homemade cookies & a shot of tequila and I was feeling a bit better. Craig booked a flight and I have to say I was so glad he was home. Ty didn’t have one thing wrong with him- we were so lucky. Just a month ago I met a young man- I told him about Ty’s roll, and he had tears in his eyes and asked if he was ok… I knew there was something more to this. He also rolled his car- one roll- and has had 27 surgeries. He will never physically be the same. My heart knew just how blessed Tyler was- I called him and told him this. Again.

I have always said that God has such a sense of humor- I still find it so amazing to have gone from one extreme to the other.

Life is short, life is good, hug your babies and always pray for protection -it works : )