Introducing my Sammy

My Daughter Allie had a dear friend in high school by the name of Sam.  Sammy is #3 of 5 kids, 2 older Sisters and 2 younger Brothers.
She is also a proud Aunty of two adorable little Nephews, Blake & Isaac <3 <3
When Sammy was 17 she lost her beloved Mother to breast cancer. I had known this from talking to Allie but had not met her yet.
Finally the day we met.  Miss Sammy had come over to our house- I will always remember that day. She got in the back of my car & she said I bet you really miss Chelsie ( It was Chelsie’s first year away at college) I looked in the rear view mirror & said – that’s where you come in<3. I knew that she would always have a special place in my heart. I can’t imagine losing my Mom at such a young age. I made her a quilt & told her that all of my kids have quilts- it was soft pinks & blues and I know that quilts can be like a great big hug when they are wrapped around you.
Sammy became a part of our family. I love Sammy and I am so proud to watch her grow up.
Sammy went off to Chicago for college. There she met some wonderful new friends that she will have for a lifetime. She also LOVES to travel- Amsterdam, Berlin, London, Dublin, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Paris …….to name a few lol!!  She graduated in 2011 and majored in Biblical studies which will allow her to work in some form of Ministry or para-church non-profit.
Sammy is not only gorgeous, genuine, talented & smart – she is deeply in love with a guy she had met when she was 16. Mike and Sammy were married May of 2010. What a beautiful bride- tears of joy just streamed down my face- I knew her Mama was there.
Sammy & Mike are strong Christians and are both employed while they await there ministry. I made her a tote that would remind her of Minnesota for when she goes – and to come back home!!!!
This little girl is something else! Sammy & Allie will be friends forever & I thank God for sending her into my life forever too!- I love you Sammy <3