It’s Good to have a Dream

Happy Monday!  It’s definitely a cold one…now they’re forecasting 19 below tonight! I spent the day inside working around the house and 5 hours of bookwork- On a better note the house smells amazing with roasted chicken breasts and Spanish lentil soup….that’ll warm your soul <3
Mondays are a favorite night around here, yes- the Bachelor is on! Allie & I have a standing date & sometimes even a bottle of our favorite Moscato is involved. Oh how I love piling in bed with my girl- I hope we always share fun things like this <3
Tomorrow Tyler starts his senior year at the U of M, my heart is going pitter- patter!! I Love that kid- he is so very smart and he has such a good heart. Being my only Son he has to put up with me being his biggest cheerleader- One.More.Year….Awesome Ty!!!!!!! <3
Craig & I spent last week with jet-lag.  4 hours difference can kinda’ mess you up! Craig has been especially busy wrapping up the year at his business-(I think he needs another vacation…. Lol) and  I spent the week just catching up : )
Miss Chelsie & Ryan sent out their “save the date” – sooo exciting! Her dress came in the week before Christmas and Allie & I went with her to see the new front that was put into her gown. It was so exciting to see it on her! I have about 7 months to figure out how to hold my tears on her wedding day-this will be a task. For everyone that knows me, this will not happen. Ryan & Craig, you just wait till you see her<3
I’m feeling especially blessed, all of the above are dreams come true for me- I love my family <3