Let’s Talk Turkey…

With Thanksgiving only 2 weeks away it’s time to figure your menu out. Whether you’re invited to someone’s house, a small dinner party or a full on feast you should start getting that list together. Today, let’s talk turkey…
Let’s face it, turkey is not everyone’s favorite but it’s such a tradition. With a lot of talk of “brining” the past few years I figured what would it hurt to try.  I had recently purchased a book at William Sonoma titled On the grill- adventures in fire and smoke by Willie Cooper. This is my Favorite all time book. While drooling on all the pages (with amazing photography) I went over his recipe for his grilled turkey in an apple-brine then rubbed with a spice-herb butter…yummmm. I knew this would be good. This will be my third year preparing this with udder confidence that for a third year in a row there won’t be any turkey leftovers- now that’s incredible. With a bucket from a bakery (or get one from a home improvement store) and using my recipe for apple cider your good to go. We do not grill our turkey, Craig won that battle- but grilling would be unbelievable… (some day!) Follow the oven directions on your turkey packaging. And no I do not stuff my bird.
If I ever get the chance to go camping- yea I know… I would want to bring Mr. Willie Cooper along lol!!!- Also, I have given his book as a wedding gift surrounded by some grilling spices & accessories.
Click ‘Apple-Brine Grilled Turkey‘ to view recipe!