Random Acts of Kindness

With Valentine’s Day fast approaching… I am thinking of LOVE <3
I have always been a big advocate for random acts of kindness.   I want to hear good news & inspiring stories that will fill my heart (and yours!) with love. Enter my Random Acts of Kindness contest for a chance to win this custom made tote valued at $150.00.

All you have to do is first “like” my Mama Carp Face Book page (not this post- although that would be nice too!), then under this post tell me of a random act of kindness that you have done. With each post I will write your name on a slip of paper and submit it into a jar. To celebrate the day I reach my 25,000 view on my Mama Carp blog I will pick one name out of the jar & will announce the winner!  I’m at 21,221 as of today.
I recently traveled with my tote for the first time- and let me tell you I was super impressed at how much easier it made my life and how many people noticed it everywhere I went!!!
Enter as many times as you like. I’m interested in hearing everyone’s stories! Please be truthful & share something you’ve done to make a difference in someone’s day/life.
“They may not remember your name, but they will remember the way you made them feel”
Here’s to all the heartwarming stories – may they inspire you, put a smile on your face & make your heart swell! Love & hug’s, Teri <3