With Love…

I hope you all had a wonderful Valentine’s Day! I’m the type of person that my creativity completely goes wild the few days before any given holiday/celebration. I have no problem working under stress. This makes it really hard to give you guys ideas so I guess posting past pictures will have to be my best bet : ) I didn’t do anything spectacular yesterday… but I accomplished the one thing that meant the most- I gave my family my special Valentines love through their favorite treats. Nothing special, but sometimes it’s those little things that means the most.
I sent Craig off with his shake and a few reminders on it of me <3
I sent Allie off with fruit dip filled strawberries and heart shaped pita chips in her lunch <3
I made Tyler his favorite banana snack cake with a familiar old sight from the kids lunch bag days- a love note on his banana <3
Nothing says love like my chocolate cake for my Hun <3
Cherry cheese cakes for Chelsie  & Ryan with my favorite bottle of Moscato <3
And after all that baking I sat down to a quick lunch before I delivered the goods and look what I got!! So, it was a good day after all and now we’re thinking about St. Patties day- Hmmmmmmm